Saturday, February 2, 2013

Aaliyah: "Quit Hatin'" or Stop Makin'?

A couple of weeks back a track called "Quit Hatin'" by Aaliyah was released to the web. I had enough time to listen to the track & it's okay but her vocals have an eerie vibe to it. With that being said, I feel like the past should stay in the past and we shouldn't tamper with what is already great. Without a doubt Aaliyah's music was and still is amazing and that's what everyone should remember. None of these newly released songs hold a candle up to her records released in the late 90's & 2001. Many people think that this track is going to appear on Aaliyah's posthumous album that Drake is supposedly executive producing. As of now nobody knows the source that leaked this track. What do you think about "Quit Hatin'"? Comment below.

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