Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Thoughts On Drake: No New Friends Vs. Girls Love Beyoncé

 Drake has dropped No New Friends and Girls Love Beyoncé a day apart from each other & it was a little hard for me to choose which one I like. They are both really good songs. Although they have two completely different styles I'd rather listen to No New Friends. It's more upbeat and not so depressing as Girls Love Beyoncé. Besides the fact that Drake sampled Destiny's Child Say My Name I don't see the correlation between the song & the use of Beyonce's face to promote it. I think Drake used Beyoncé's name to have more promotion and heat behind the track. Don't get me wrong Drake is very talented and doesn't need to have another celebrity help promote his music or improve his music but let's face it..a lot of people listened and went crazy to the track because of Beyoncé. People sample other peoples music everyday. Why not put Kelly Rowland or Michelle on the cover art? They were part of Destiny's Child too! Any who, I'm just rambling and expressing a little bit of my thoughts. I still love Drake and like both songs. If you haven't heard No New Friends scroll down & isten to Girls Love Beyonce below.

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